Samurai Head - Steatite sculpture by Olivier Cornil illustation for Steatite gallery

Soapstone Sculptures

Sculpture is a medium that I appreciate very much. Very demanding, this art requires a lot of energy because you are in direct contact with the material. Each material has its constraints but at the same time, it opens up an ever widening range of possibilities.

For me, soapstone is a material that is both a reference and a tribute to African art, to the primitive arts and to all arts in general. Its millennial use invites you to both reflection and innovation.

I like to be inspired by the shapes of this very soft and sensual material. It is a stone that guides your creation. The results are often unexpected: a samurai head, a death mask, a head, birds and moon women of course.

This encounter with your unconscious is particularly enjoyable. The only problem is the fragility of this stone but it is also its strength because once again it reminds us of  the ephemeral of our condition and our art.

On below some pictures of my work and if you want more follow me on Pinterest

Samouraï head Illustration for the soapstone gallery of Olivier Cornil
Post Mortem Illustration for the soapstone gallery of Olivier Cornil
Woman Moon "the first" shoot 03 by Olivier Cornil
Woman Moon "the first" shoot 02 by Olivier Cornil
Woman Moon "the first" shoot 01 by Olivier Cornil


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