One day, One drawing : July 2022

One Day, One Drawing: July 2022

Created in the heat of summer, “one day, one drawing” is coming to an end. 375 drawings and time again to explore and share new horizons … music, animation, video clip, snack format content as it should … the fall will tell.

In the meantime a big thank you for all your support, feel free to comment, share and subscribe.

As always, some of my designs are available for sale on Amazon. For a first look, feel free to visit the Shop section.

  • End clap – Day 375

    Teaching about an adventure that is not finished (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    End clap - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 375
    End clap – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 375

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Big Nerd – Day 374

    When intelligence is lacking. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Big Nerd - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 374
    Big Nerd – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 374

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Never happy – Day 373

    Never happy or the storytelling of a grouch (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Never happy - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 373
    Never happy – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 373

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • New impetus – Day 372

    New impetus or inspired joy. (Original drawing made in Indian ink)

    New impetus - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 372
    New impetus – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 372

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Complicated Lesson – Day 371

    When there is no need to explain that everything is intertwined. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Complicated Lesson - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 371
    Complicated Lesson – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 371

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Gliding Flight – Day 370

    The false start of the new horizons (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Gliding Flight - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 370
    Gliding Flight – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 370

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • The Illusion of Time – Day 369

    When the clock is distorted and time seems long (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    The Illusion of Time - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 369
    The Illusion of Time – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 369

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Mutual Understanding – Day 368

    Harmonic disagreement in the family intimacy of an ordinary life. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Mutual Understanding - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 368
    Mutual Understanding – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 368

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Little neuron – Day 367

    When the brain seeks answers that the heart does not know (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Little neuron - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 367
    Little neuron – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 367

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Waiting – Day 366

    The hidden enemy who does not disarm (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Waiting - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 366
    Waiting – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 366

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Same direction – Day 365

    The thinking in decision mode. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Same direction - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 365
    Same direction – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 365

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Black dot – Day 364

    The acne of everyday life. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Black dot - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 364
    Black dot – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 364

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Blackhead – Day 363

    Perspectives around the chaos of a destructive bird. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Blackhead - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 363
    Blackhead – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 363

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Silent Reflection – Day 362

    Why think when there is nothing to say (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Silent Reflection - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 362
    Silent Reflection – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 362

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Too small for you – Day 361

    When the desire to fly is greater (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Too small for you - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 361
    Too small for you – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 361

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Hidden Demon – Day 360

    The red for passion, the heart for reason (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Hidden Demon - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 360
    Hidden Demon – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 360

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Between Two Stops – Day 359

    The sky to think, the earth to dream (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Between Two Stops - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 359
    Between Two Stops – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 359

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • The Freedom Bearer – Day 358

    The hard burden of always starting over. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    The Freedom Bearer - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 358
    The Freedom Bearer – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 358

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Reaching out – Day 357

    Outstretched hand or the humility of the simple gesture. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Reaching out - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 357
    Reaching out – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 357

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Frozen! – Day 356

    Frozen or the immobility of the fear to advance. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Frozen! - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 356
    Frozen! – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 356

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Small Stone – Day 355

    The invisible support that holds everything together (Original drawing done with Indian ink)

    Small Stone - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 355
    Small Stone – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 355
    Small Stone - Zoom - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 355
    Small Stone – Zoom – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 355

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • The House of Spirits – Day 354

    The heart of any family reunited (original drawing with Indian ink on paper)

    The House of Spirits - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 354
    The House of Spirits – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 354
    The House of Spirits- Zoom - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 354
    The House of Spirits- Zoom – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 354

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Self-satisfaction – Day 353

    Self-satisfaction or Narcissus in the early morning (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Self-satisfaction - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 353
    Self-satisfaction – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 353

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Blues in A – Day 352

    A A A A D D A A A A B D A the cure for dark thoughts (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Blues in A - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 352
    Blues in A – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 352

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Rebuilding – Day 351

    The artificial intelligence to believe that everything is programmed. (Original drawing made with Indian ink)

    Rebuilding - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 351
    Rebuilding – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 351

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Tired – Day 350

    The limits of the mind (original drawing with Indian ink on paper)

    Tired - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 350
    Tired – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 350

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Internal Struggles – Day 349

    Internal struggles or how to resist to dark thoughts. (original drawing with Indian ink on paper)

    Internal Struggles - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 349
    Internal Struggles – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 349

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.

  • Hesitations – Day 348

    Dazed but not resigned. (original drawing with Indian ink on paper)

    Hesitations - Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil - One day, One drawing - Day 348
    Hesitations – Ink drawing by Olivier Cornil – One day, One drawing – Day 348

    You can also find all my drawings on Pinterest, on LinkedIn. For purchase a part of my drawings is available on Amazon and in any case… feel free to comment and share.


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