L’ Atelier

Atelier Page Olivier Cornil Multimedia Creator

Why l’Atelier?… A very long time ago to explain my creative work, I “invented” the expression multimedia creator. The idea was not to be very pretentious and to say that I painted, that I sculpted and blah, blah, blah, but simply to want to explain that when I had an idea I tried to find the most appropriate medium to transcribe the emotion I wanted to share.

And that’s it! Now it’s a section on my website with a hodgepodge of my creations realized or in project.

Feel free to comment and to go further, additional photos are available on Pinterest and if you really like…not everything is for sale but you will find the possibility via my Amazon store to have the opportunity to have a look or to please yourself.

  • Soapstone Sculptures
    I like to be inspired by the shapes of this very soft and sensual material. It is a stone that guides your creation. The results are often unexpected: a samurai head, a death mask, a head, birds and moon women of course.