Day 050 – Dancing in the Rain

Even when the skies are gray, Theo reminds us that joy doesn’t wait for the storm to pass—it dances in the rain! 🌦️ As we step into the weekend, let’s take a cue from our favorite mouse, who’s already out there, tapping his feet and splashing about with a smile that could outshine the sun.

And while Theo’s busy spreading cheer, he’s also on the lookout for the right publisher to share his heartwarming tales. If you know someone who can help Theo’s stories make a splash in the world of publishing, let’s connect and make it happen!

Join the adventure and be part of his story. Stay tuned to Theo’s creative journey by following #TheoAndFriends.

Happy Friday, everyone—may your weekend be as uplifting as Theo’s spirit! ☔️🐭